Sunday, April 26th, 2020
Remote Hearings start in Court of Session with Sheriff Court to follow

From 21st April, there was a resumption of essential civil business in the Court of Session with the Inner House sitting as an online Court for appeal hearings. Procedural business in the Outer House is conducted by telephone hearing or by written submission. Court Rolls will be published each Friday. All business requiring the attendance of witnesses is being continued meantime. Updated guidance can be found here.
Following the resumption of essential business in the Court of Session, SCTS have announced that the Sheriff Courts will follow suit for cases where earlier resolution would be beneficial.
Parties will have to justify individual cases being progressed at this time. Equally importantly, however, the test will NOT be one of urgency. The intention is “to allow such cases to be progressed where there is a justifiable reason for earlier resolution, where agents can provide all documents digitally and where a hearing requiring substantial evidence is not required. Each application will be judicially assessed and where agreed these cases will proceed digitally, with tele conference hearing being used where necessary.” Further information can be found here. Full guidance on the arrangements to extend business in the Sheriff Court is being finalised and will be issued later this week.