Tuesday, October 13th, 2020
Face Coverings and Contact Tracing in SCTS Buildings

The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service has announced that from today they are extending the requirement for face coverings to be worn by everyone in their buildings except where they are seated at their desk, work space, or are participating in court or tribunal hearings. This extends the requirement beyond all communal public areas such as waiting areas, corridors and stairwells. While they do not expect face coverings to be worn while participating in court or tribunal hearings, they do require them to be worn as people enter, exit or move around these areas.
They have also announced that from Monday 19th October, they will ask all users of their buildings to provide contact tracing details whenever they enter buildings. To make it convenient, particularly for regular visitors, and to protect personal data they will employ a digital QR based platform to collect details. This data is entirely independent of the SCTS.