Gregor Rolfe

Year of Call 2019

Gregor has a busy and varied practice in the fields of clinical negligence, personal injury and Inquiry work. 


Working for both pursuers and defenders, Gregor is regularly instructed in; medical and dental negligence claims; employers’ liability; public liability; and claims involving catastrophic injury. Gregor also has a particular interest in the field of industrial disease litigation and is instructed by pursuers and defenders in relation to claims involving exposure to asbestos, noise and vibration.  He is often instructed in cases arising from the offshore oil industry and in aviation matters. 

Gregor has experience of professional negligence matters, acting principally for surveyors in professional negligence disputes.  He has represented doctors and dentists in regulatory matters before the General Medical and General Dental Councils.  He has underaken numerous Fatal Accident Inquiries and appeared on behalf of a Core Participant at a Public Inquiry into historic childhood abuse.

Gregor was a solicitor advocate for six years before calling to the bar.

Representative Cases

McIlwraith v. Bluevale Structures

Gregor represented the defenders in this interesting case involving a demolition worker's below-knee amputation.  The dispute surrounded liability and causation.


A v B Limited and C Council

Gregor represented the defender Local Authority where it was successfully argued that no duty of care was owed to a wide class of individual when harm was done following 'unsupervised leave' of a care home resident.


B&W v. Sisters of Nazareth

Gregor appeared on behalf of the defender in this historic abuse claim where Lord Weir held that a fair hearing was not possible owing to the passage of time.  The matter was later successfully reclaimed (2023 SLT 942), where Gregor appeared alongside the Dean of Faculty.


Paul Madden v. Duncan Anderson

Gregor was instructed for the defender in this industrial disease case where the plea of limitation was upheld.


Jennifer Troup v. West Lothian Council

Gregor appeared alone against senior and junior counsel, arguing a compromise agreement prohibited the pursuer from raising a claim for personal injury


Lee Birch v. George McPhie & Sons

Gregor appeared for the defenders in this case where detailed submissions were required on the application of the Enterprise & Regulatory Reform Act 2013 following an accident involving ‘work equipment’


SF v. Quarriers

Gregor appeared for the defender in this preliminary proof on time bar and the application of the court’s equitable discretion to allow a claim to proceed ‘out of time’ in the context of historic abuse.

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  • Compass Chambers
    Parliament House
    EH1 1RF